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Category: Construction -> Installations -> Pipe work contractors

Country: Poland

Language of presented products: All | german | english

Featured products

[Poland]Plug manometer stop cock PN 1,6 MPa

Cocks are designed for water, oils, air, inert gases and other fluids which do not causes corrosion of brass.[...]


[Poland]Street boxes DIN 4055, 4056, 4057, 4058, 4059, 3581, 3582, 3583

Iron street boxes are produced according to DIN and PN standards. Used mainly in plumbing and gas-fittings.[...]


[Poland]Modern Intelligent System of Fertilising Water. " Cosmo Water Ho

Modern Intelligent System of Fertilising Water. Automatic in full moon Device with steering in respect of volume - logical, started regeneration on basis of quantity of prepared water with regard of her recruitment in time. Installation of fertilising of water at use of preliminary filtration, filtration ion of (softening) and coal filtration- it assures filtered water, softened, devoid strange taste and scent. Assembled devices are main waters behind bifurcation to watering of garden water. Device[...]
